BVS, Inc

Ship bees to:

BVS, Inc 
David Wick
795 Porter Hill Rd
Stevensville, MT 59870
How to take and send samples for testing:

Assign each hive you intend to sample a number.  You will mark
each sample with the number of the hive from which it is taken.
Permanently mark each hive with its number. 
Quart-sized ZipLoc™ freezer bag or WhirlPac™ bags
Frozen gel packs (Blue Ice™ or similar)
Pen or Permanent marker
and the BVS, Inc  Sample Description Form (below)
Sample collection steps:
Mark each sample bag with the hive number, using a permanent
marker.  Use a black, permanent marker pen to label the
sample bags, being sure to indicate type of bees
(brood nest, honey super, forager). 

Shake at least 100 to 150 bees into sample bag and seal
(That’s approximately  ½ to ¾ cup of bees). 

If the weather is too hot - Place sealed bag with
a frozen Blue Ice™ gel or similar freezer pak,
wrapped with bubble wrap or similar material –

Place in shipping box such as the flat rate US postal
priority flat rate mail box. Ship to above.

Refrigerate until shipped.

There is no need to add anything to the bees in the baggies,
they will arrive just fine.
BVS Honey Bee Virus Detection Sample Information Sheet

Each submitted sample should include about 100 live bees in a sealed
plastic bag (300 if you want additional analyses).
Mark the bag with your name and hive number. Include one completed
form for each bee sample. Refrigerate the sample before mailing
and ship with a cold pack (if needed) to:

BVS, Inc.
795 Porter Hill Rd.
Stevensville, MT 59870.

Your Name: ____________ Telephone: ______
Mailing Address: ____________________________________

Your e-mail for contact and reports: __________________________________

Do not mark in this block IVDS Sample (___________) 2019
Date Collected: (yyyymmdd) ______________________________
Bee Keeper: _____________________________________________
Home Location: _________________________________________
Date Collected: _________________________________________ Colony location: (w/in ¼ mi) ____________________________
These bees are: ____Foragers ___From honey super ___From brood nest
Colony ID: _____________________________
Bee Race: _____________Colony Strength: _____strong _____ weak
Known Disease: Varroa mite ____ Nosema_____ Chalkbrood ____
Tracheal mite ____ Deformed Wing _____
Am. Foul Brood _____ Wax moth _____ Small Hive Beetle ____
Eu. Foul Brood _______ Other (identify) __________________